Do You Require Sunglasses With A Prescription?
want to keep your eyes safe
Sunglasses protect the wearer's eyes from the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays. Ensure you get UV 400 sunglasses, which block out 400 nanometers of UV light, for the best protection.
Sunglasses not only protect your eyes from the sun's rays, but also from debris like sand, dust, and other irritants. Sunglasses won't prevent all of these particles from reaching your eyes, but they will block a significant amount.
bored of wearing sunglasses over glasses
It's tempting to use whatever plastic shades you can find in the rubbish drawer if you don't have prescription sunglasses. If you wear prescription sunglasses, you can skip this temporary solution and go back to only needing one piece of eyewear (glasses indoors and sunglasses outside) every day.
limits of fashion are infinite
To shield your eyes from the sun's harmful rays and glare, you can get these sunglasses custom-made with polarised or tinted lenses that are fitted with your ocular prescription.
Polarization is an available feature in
prescription sunglasses. The prescription is not compromised by adding a
chemical film to the lens, which blocks the sun's glare.
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